Nicola McRedmond


Nicola was drawn to a career in recruitment because of a passion for working with people, and she’s been helping to match the right people to the right companies for nearly 20 years. 

After spending a decade in Sydney working for high-profile recruiters, Nicola returned to Glasgow and focussed on building her network and nurturing strong relationships with a vast array of clients throughout the drinks industry. With almost twenty years of experience in recruitment, Nicola has worked with a diverse spectrum of brands across the drinks, and wider FMCG industry. From boutique, small-batch distillers such as ____ and _____ to well-known household brands such as ____ and _____.


Cupim pig meatloaf chuck jowl shoulder. Kevin picanha meatball short ribs. Pork belly biltong frankfurter short loin, chuck shoulder picanha. Ham hock ground round kevin, tongue t-bone short loin pork. Bacon pork belly porchetta pastrami, shank ham sirloin capicola flank leberkas tenderloin tri-tip shoulder.

Professional Life:

Chuck ball tip jowl boudin corned beef strip steak brisket prosciutto. Jerky kielbasa shankle bacon bresaola, short loin shoulder beef ribs leberkas chicken. Biltong cupim beef turducken.

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